Business Leadership Coaching

Business leadership coaching can prove to be a strategic investment. Working with a seasoned coach creates a confidential setting in which to discuss personal performance.

It allows you to think through important aspects of business that influence competitive advantage in today's marketplace.

The owner or executive is able to talk through and flesh out strategy, discuss important operational concerns and improve work and leadership habits that contribute to positive growth.

“I need some solid objective support. I need a Coach who can help me see things I can't now see, someone who can bring out the best in me so I can bring out the best in this business.”    Owner & CEO

Over the years we have coached business clients experiencing head-turning success. We have also coached others with challenges for whom turn-around was critical.

Here is a sampling of what business leadership coaching clients have said.

What Business Leaders Have Said They Want From One on One Executive Coaching

  • My business to be even more successful
  • Work less, earn more
  • To build the company and turn it over to my sons
  • To grow my business beyond me. To someday have a legitimate, viable saleable business
  • To feel proud of my work everyday
  • Learning how to more effectively prioritize my time to deliver on what matters.
  • I want to step up boldly into the next season God has form me and my family.
  • I want to make the best decisions for the company regardless of the politics involved.

“Gary is a trusted expert in the field of executive coaching and I truly appreciate his insight, clarity process and (best of all) results.

I would highly recommend Gary to any executive who desires to make better decisions, work more effectively and become more profitable.”   Owner/President

Where Business Leader Clients Say They Are Most Irresponsible

  • Desk work, files sit unopened on my desk
  • Follow through
  • Using time wisely. I can easily be distracted and not finish a task.
  • I waste to much time!
  • Financial management
  • I am most irresponsible about allowing bad behavior and not addressing it quickly enough.
  • Prioritizing - I just tackle a list randomly. It all seems important to me.
  • I would like to become more disciplined in how I utilize my time.
  • I have been incredibly reactive, scared to take risks, not always as confident as I should be.
  • Day to day procrastination - it's not always clear why I am doing all I do, but I do a lot.
  • I have been distracted by this initiative and have not addressed issues in order to create results .. for fear of detracting from workforce satisfaction. 
  • I suspect there are areas where I'm being stubborn without realizing it.

“I had never worked with a coach prior to hiring Gary. I was somewhat unsure of what kinds of results I could expect or even how to communicate exactly what I was looking for.

Fortunately, Gary is a professional who knows how to deal with someone like me. Within our first conversation, Gary had aptly analyzed and summarized exactly what we were dealing with.

Through a period of regular contact thereafter he helped me with a strategic approach that proved revolutionary. The final outcome: more revenue from my business and more time with family.”  CEO

Why Business Leaders Have Retained Me for Executive and Leadership Performance Coaching

  • To build my business back up to where it was
  • My business has more than tripled in size and scope
  • Help me stabilize income
  • I need to be more interactive with our staff on a one-on-one basis. I need to develop tactics that will allow me to be more comfortable doing this. 
  • Keep me on track
  • For a sounding board to get some objectivity
  • We need a new organizational structure. I don't know where to start.
  • I'm not willing to settle for mediocre sales as I was before. How do I take the next level?
  • Help me decide who to hire on my staff team
  • I typically like to think about situations and responses. The nature of my position often precludes this luxury. Working through some skills in this area will likely create more confidence. 
  • To establish a good balance of business, personal time and activities
  • I like data .. too much. At times, I am paralyzed by the fear of making a decision that does not turn out "perfectly." This drives some of my direct reports nuts. I need help deciding faster with the same degree of confidence.
  • To know whether or not I should shut down my business. I need help in making the tough decision.
  • Pockets of mistrust exist in my administrative team. I need help working through this. 
  • Need to ensure success during the current cost containment and revenue enhancement initiatives. 

“Gary is a gifted Master Executive Coach whose wisdom and guidance greatly assisted me in breaking through to a new level of performance and contribution.

With thoughtful care he familiarized himself with my situation and then worked closely with me to clarify desired outcomes.

He pushed me forward to deal with those items that were holding me back and encouraged me all along the way."


The Way Clients Gauge the Effectiveness of Our Coaching

  • I will have turned my business around
  • I am able to manage my time more systematically and energetically
  • When I can clearly identify my next steps for business and this results in an organized task list
  • I won't be working on weekends
  • I will find time to get out in the garden or bake again
  • By the level of excitement, commitment and discipline I bring to the table consistently

The single most powerful influence on how well you will do is YOU. Now is the time to invest in business leadership coaching. We provide personalized support that gives you the potential for even greater success.

"I thank you so much for your help to now. I have picked up some momentum through this process, and the reorganization, while temporarily painful, will result in much more freedom to expand later. Thank you again Gary."  Business Owner

I Invite You to Contact Me for Business Leadership Coaching

We welcome the opportunity to serve you. Phone my office at 705-687-2711. To discuss how you think coaching might assist you as a business leader, contact me here.

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G.E. Wood and Associates is an international coaching firm registered in Ontario, Canada
142 Pratt Crescent, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada, P1P 1P5