Leadership and Executive Coaching Blog


This leadership and executive coaching blog is simple. My clients want to be running on full, and avoid running on empty.

I suspect you do to.

When I find something worthy of a moment of your deeper reflection, I'll pass it along.

Running on Full
For Those Who Want to Avoid Running on Empty

Jul 22, 2024

Executive Coaching for Nonprofit Leaders

Review your organization against 80 practices in 10 categories specific to small nonprofits.

Leadership, Director, Board, Policies, Planning, Staff, Finances, Program, Participants, Safety

You can create a baseline of performance, then come back in a year, and check again.

Assuming you have taken action in those areas that you found to be weaker, you should see your "score" improve against the baseline you established at the first.

This is a very practical resource and tool. It is not complicated. But, it will be of great value to those Boards and Executive Directors who are intentional about making use of it.

Continue reading "Executive Coaching for Nonprofit Leaders"

Jul 18, 2024

Resources for Leaders of Small Nonprofits

It may be that your Executive Director cannot afford one on one executive coaching.

I've created a resource that covers several areas of nonprofit operation. It will allow you to check your own organization and take action where it is needed.

Continue reading "Resources for Leaders of Small Nonprofits"

Jul 04, 2024

Self-Guided Review of Nonprofit Leadership

I'm starting to add a new section to my website for small nonprofit organizations.

I provide 80 self-coaching practices in 10 different areas, that contribute to the good leadership of a small nonprofit.

The areas include Board, Leadership, Planning, Executive Director, Staff, Policies, Program, Participants, Finances, and Safety.

You can see that all of these are areas important to leaders and boards in small (and larger) organizations. Check it out. I'll continue to add sections as I am able.

Continue reading "Self-Guided Review of Nonprofit Leadership"

Jun 20, 2024

Signs of Burnout at Work

I often work with executives, leaders and professionals who feel on the edge of being burned out. We take a quick inventory of five signs of burnout at work.

A loss of energy - The energy you had just isn't there. Emotional, physical, spiritual etc

A loss of involvement - Pulling back from relationship and being with people.

A loss of effectiveness - Not on top of your game like you once was.

A loss of health and a sense of well-being - Unexplainable aches and pains, not feeling at your best overall.

A loss of a sense of control - You're not the one in charge of the levers to make things happen, but are being held responsible to make it happen. It's frustrating and discouraging.

Read the entire page to gain perspective on this. And don't hesitate to connect if you want to have an Executive Coach who understands.

Continue reading "Signs of Burnout at Work"

Jun 19, 2024

Create a Personal Leadership Development Plan

I have developed this resource to work in conjunction with the 52 Solutions 5 Days of Coaching.

If you would like a simple assessment to help you determine what to concentrate on as part of your personal leadership development plan, check this out.

Each of the 52 practices (habits/skills) have an explanation, a self-assessment for making progress, and five "days" of self-coaching to provide practical action steps you can take to improve in this area.

Your "five days" may actually take longer depending on how long you wish to take working on turning the practice into a habit. I've simply used the "days" format for simplicity.

Continue reading "Create a Personal Leadership Development Plan"

May 25, 2024

All 52 Basic Productivity Practices Are Ready to Use

Every one of the 52 practices is now available for you to use.

Each has five days of self-coaching so you can take action right away. Imagine if you made even a one percent improvement in the next month, and then another one percent for the following nine months.

That would be a 10% increase in personal productivity or effectiveness in the next 10 months. Amazing.

You don't have to buy my book, "52 Solutions for Those Who Need a 25 Hour Day." It's all here! plus more.

Start with whatever practice you'd like to make improvement on.

Continue reading "All 52 Basic Productivity Practices Are Ready to Use"

Apr 22, 2024

Regain Balance and Productivity in Leadership

I've now added all "52 Solutions for Those Who Need a 25 Hour Day" habits.

If you take ownership of just one habit and make improvements, you will benefit.

Continue reading "Regain Balance and Productivity in Leadership"

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G.E. Wood and Associates is an international coaching firm registered in Ontario, Canada
142 Pratt Crescent, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada, P1P 1P5