
Brief Notes
For Those Who Want to Avoid Running on Empty

Sep 11, 2024

Adding a Recap for Pages on the Site

In order to assist you with getting to the information that you are looking for, I have included a "Recap" at the end of key pages in the navigation bar.

I've reference a page here. Scroll to the bottom and you'll see the Recap.

I hope you find this to be helpful.

Continue reading "Adding a Recap for Pages on the Site"

Aug 28, 2024

A Holiday that Restores

I'm near the end of my holiday time. The concept of a holiday in itself is no big deal. It's common.

Here's the catch. I went a lot of years without taking a dedicated, extended period of time off. All sorts of reasons contributed to that.

Then I took a sabbatical. Circumstances made me realize the need. And the benefit of that sabbatical prompted me to commit to a holiday.

Here's the quote I put on my "Out of Office" message this year.

“Rest is not some afterthought; it has to be a primary responsibility. It brings a rhythm back to life and a cadence that makes life sustainable.” Wayne Cordeiro

"Rest, rhythm, cadence, life. All worthy reasons to pay attention to having some time away from work and other responsibilities.

So, sometime, at the right time, take your hand off the "Go" button ... and take a holiday.

Aug 04, 2024

Jesus is In the Boat with You

I heard someone speak on Mark 4:35-41 today. It's the account of Jesus calming a storm as he and the disciples cross the lake.

Everything is calm .. until it isn't. A fierce storm comes up. The boat is nearly swamped. Jesus, asleep in the back of the boat is urgently awakened and informed just how bad it is.

In the account, Jesus speaks to nature and all becomes quiet and calm. Well, you probably recall the story.

One simple thing I wanted to pass along, since I know many of you may be experiencing a "storm" right now in your personal or work life. Keep this firmly in mind ...

Calm or storm,

Jesus is in the boat with you.

Continue reading "Jesus is In the Boat with You"

Aug 03, 2024

Coaching Leadership in Times of Crisis

What happens when things are going along just fine, and then some crisis strikes?

What do you do? You're the leader. All eyes turn toward you. During and after, what you do and what you say will be scrutinized.

"When it All Goes Up in Smoke" addresses this critical time. Hopefully you'll find something of help to you.

Continue reading "Coaching Leadership in Times of Crisis"

Jul 22, 2024

Executive Coaching for Nonprofit Leaders

Review your organization against 80 practices in 10 categories specific to small nonprofits.

Leadership, Director, Board, Policies, Planning, Staff, Finances, Program, Participants, Safety

You can create a baseline of performance, then come back in a year, and check again.

Assuming you have taken action in those areas that you found to be weaker, you should see your "score" improve against the baseline you established at the first.

This is a very practical resource and tool. It is not complicated. But, it will be of great value to those Boards and Executive Directors who are intentional about making use of it.

Continue reading "Executive Coaching for Nonprofit Leaders"

Jul 18, 2024

Resources for Leaders of Small Nonprofits

It may be that your Executive Director cannot afford one on one executive coaching.

I've created a resource that covers several areas of nonprofit operation. It will allow you to check your own organization and take action where it is needed.

Continue reading "Resources for Leaders of Small Nonprofits"

Jul 04, 2024

Self-Guided Review of Nonprofit Leadership

I'm starting to add a new section to my website for small nonprofit organizations.

I provide 80 self-coaching practices in 10 different areas, that contribute to the good leadership of a small nonprofit.

The areas include Board, Leadership, Planning, Executive Director, Staff, Policies, Program, Participants, Finances, and Safety.

You can see that all of these are areas important to leaders and boards in small (and larger) organizations. Check it out. I'll continue to add sections as I am able.

Continue reading "Self-Guided Review of Nonprofit Leadership"

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G.E. Wood and Associates is an international coaching firm registered in Ontario, Canada
142 Pratt Crescent, Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada, P1P 1P5